Meet Jillian
"I am first, a mother, wife, and lover of life! I have always been passionate about being of service to others and making a positive difference in the world. I began my professional path in the corporate world. My education began with traditional college, where I majored in Psychology with a Concentration in Cultural Studies..."
Interested in learning more about the benefits of Mind-Body Integrative Therapy, including Guided Imagery/Hypnotherapy, Somatic/Trauma Healing, Play Therapy, Attachment Support, Empowerment Life Coaching, Parent Support, and Holistic Healing? Follow us on social media for studies, subjects, supplies & other savvy stuff to take you from SEARCHING to SOARING. Too much? Shall we say sorry? Okay, okay, we will have more soon - but in the meantime, check Jillian's blog!

Jillian supports clients of all ages in remedying anything that may be keeping them from reaching their highest potential and/or expanding upon what is already working in their lives. She sincerely believes that each individual, no matter their age or life experience(s), innately has the answers within to overcome/succeed/heal/prosper - while working from a trauma-safe, mind-body approach.
Each session is focused on simply drawing that inner wisdom. We utilize that wisdom and a whole-brain approach to foster optimal results through somatic and attachment empowerment coaching, play, clinical hypnotherapy, and trauma healing.
With Hypnotherapy (AKA Guided Imagery), Jillian integrates your own truth and clarity that we arrive to through Coaching into your session(s). This allows for each experience you have to be fully customized to your exact needs. In addition, Jillian specializes in Clinical Hypnotherapy and doing trauma-informed/trained "rootwork" that allows the innate intelligence of the client's subconscious and nervous system to lead the way. This ensures the process is done in the most harmonious/beneficial manner possible.
With Non-Directive Play Therapy, a safe and therapeutic space is held for the child to play through their inner challenges in order to meet a deeper sense of harmony within themselves - which reflects in their interactions in the world. Jillian has training in both Child-Centered Play Therapy and Synergetic Play Therapy. These therapies support resolution of unprocessed emotions, unmet needs, and traumas that create unhelpful thoughts, feelings, behaviors, beliefs (etc.). Thereby resourcing all brain states while incorporating Somatic (body) Healing approaches for more full integration and regulation within the nervous system.
Jillian partners with clients from all walks of life, looking to overcome various blocks/triggers from a trauma-informed attachment lens, by utilizing Clinical Hypnotherapy, Transformational & Advanced Empowerment 'Life' Coaching, Child-Centered & Synergetic Play Therapy™ ,Somatic Approaches to Healing Trauma, Somatic Experiencing (SE™ ), Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning experience (DARe™ ), is a Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist (for both individuals and families), and IFS™ -informed Therapist - in addition to other Trauma Therapy Training(s), Bibliotherapy, Holistic Nutrition, Aromatherapy training, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique AKA Tapping), and more. Jillian specializes in supporting those with anxiety/depression (PPA/PPD), trauma (including PTSD/C-PTSD), grief, fear, health/weight management, problem habits, challenges with focus/attention, neurodiversity, self-mastery, and more. She has a passion and a special interest in supporting women, parents, and children/teens.
All that is really required from the client is a desire to move towards whatever it is that they would like to accomplish. The rest we will work through together.